Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Gun

I recently bought a new gun (a few, actually, but more on that later). I had a problem: My wife and daughter found a water moccasin 3 or 4 feet long in our backyard. Now, where we used to live, my 12 gauge would have made quick work of it, but now that we live in a subdivision, I can't shoot the shotgun.

My local gun store proprietor recommended a .22 Henry lever action rifle. He said with certain ammo, shooting it would be quieter than a pellet gun. He said it would deal with my snake problem nicely, and the neighbors would be none the wiser. It's not what I was in the market for as far as a self-defense weapon, but after shooting it for a while, I really fell in love with this gun. It's a... "charming" little rifle, and pretty fun to shoot. Takes me back to my BB gun days as a kid.

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